Yesterday was a fun day (:
Really love my darling & babe♥
went swimming after school .
Drop off laogong♥ at LRT station
then off to Carrefour for Mc
Went up to Roller cheong to see my dear♥ & others
Darling & me wanted to go but NO!
stayed till 2.30pm
then go swimming le
First went my house change
okay jor then go swim♥
Quite fun leh
so long now swim jor but still sien larh x)
Chit chatted♥
We played jump in the water
so fun (:
After that went home bath le
I became dark jor TT
Yerrr my leg is like quite dark jor ~.~
Darling & babe♥ want back jor
so went pasar malam buy things for grandma
Then at home watch tv
Around 7pm went pasar malam with sweetheart♥
Then went back le
Laogong♥ made me cried again
I also don't know what he thinking
Damn sad ):
but i still ♥ him
Camwhore too x)
Enjoy !
Mummy & daddy went to Thailand
Coming back today (:
Don't know mummy buying bag for me anot?
Hope she buys♥
I will sayang her geh x)
Laogong♥ planned that want go watch movie with
wei quan & dear♥ next week
double dates x)
Maybe got go larh
Next monday discussing with dear♥ sinnn
Can't wait narh
Forcing laogong♥ to watch with me keke
There is so much movies to watch
But no time to watch + no money
Must ask mummy faster give me my pay jor
Tomorrow going roller with
ruby , wei lan & chen yee
so long no out with them jor
Everytime holiday they want out
but i can't cause need work
So tomorrow go luuu
Can't wait
Bao Beii
Babe Celine
Babe YY
Babe Shii yao
Babe Hui Zhen
Babe Yuki
Babe Yiee Tiinq
Other Babes , Jie , Mui , Kor too
maks maks♥